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A Liturgy for Advent Love

“For this is how God loved the world:

He gave his one and only Son”

This is how God loved the world,

he gave his very heart.

My heart is restless

in the confines of its smallness

Your love beckons at the doors of our hearts

My heart is restless

in the confines of its security

Your love beckons at the doors of our hearts

My heart is restless

in the confines of its protection

Your love beckons at the doors of our hearts

“Fear hates adventure.

Love is adventure,”

Your love whispers to my restless heart.

For this is how God loved the world:

She gave her one and only Son”

This is how God loved the world,

she gave his very heart.

I still and calm the voices of fear swirling around me

Then I hear the whisper, strong and persistent

Your love beckons at the doors of our hearts

You invite our restless hearts into spaciousness

Into adventure

Into fullness of life

You risked first.

“For God so loved the world”

Your love beckons at the doors of our hearts

We give you our very hearts


Words by Crystal Cryer; Image by

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