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A Liturgy for Advent Joy

A Liturgy for Joy

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

“Joy is not made to be a crumb” - Mary Oliver

(Bold words may be read together in a group setting)

O God, O Giver of Joy

In the quiet spaces of the garden of my heart

I walk amongst the sorrows

their bruised, dry leaves clinging to withered branches

O God, O Giver of Joy, come

Out in the wide world, often too loud, too lonely

we find ourselves lost, restless amidst a clamouring culture,

our thirsty, parched souls yearning for living water

O God, O Giver of Joy, come

Your joy is not made to be a crumb

In the places where all are searching for satisfaction

where justice is not yet flowing like a river

where righteousness is still just a dried up stream

O God, O Giver of Joy, come

Your joy is not made to be a crumb

teach me how to feast

Here, in the reality of now,

where we stand between shadow and light

let me hear the hunger of my heart and respond with

O God, O Giver of Joy, come

Your joy is not made to be a crumb

teach me how to feast

to delight in your abundant joy

O God, O Giver of Joy, come

May joy be ours this Christmastide


Words by Vicky Allen

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