24-7 Prayer
24-7 Prayer is an international, interdenominational prayer movement, with a vision to revive the church and rewire the culture through non-stop night and day prayer.
Discovery Church are a 24-7 Prayer community, a growing international family of Churches, Houses of Prayer (HOP) and New Monastic Communities (NMC). Together they make up the Communities’ Network.
Order of the Mustard Seed
The Order of the Mustard Seed is an international missional movement united and galvanized by a shared rule of life and a vow to be true to Christ, kind to people, and to take the gospel to the nations. We are an ecumenical, lay-lead, dispersed community; a global community from all walks of life and different streams of the church.
Rural Minstries
Discovery Church partner with Rural Ministries, a growing network of rural churches, pioneers and practitioners.
We exist to inspire, empower, and support denominations, churches, pioneers, and those with just a glimmer of an idea who are called to live in rural communities across the UK.
Heres a few folks we love to support and/or get involved with.....
Our brothers and sisters, literally and spiritually. We love these guys, and their heart to share Jesus and transform their community.
Our brothers and sisters, literally and spiritually. We love these guys, and their heart to share Jesus and transform their community.
Surfers Against Sewage "We’re a community dedicated to the protection of oceans, waves, beaches and wildlife. We fight long and hard to protect what we love and we won’t stop until it’s completely clean, safe and protected for everyone, forever."
Sustaining Dunbar’s aim is to bring people together to plan and start creating a positive and sustainable future for Dunbar and District.
Words, thoughts, poems and musings from some of the Discovery crew...
Soul Surfers blog - Brian Allen
Loving Him Raising Them -
Emma Timms
Bring on the Joy blog - Vicky Allen
Salt, Light & a
Wild Heart -
Jon Timms